
Why Are More Students Choosing Startup Internships?

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 26, 2024 by Umer Malik

When weighing your options, it appears that choosing between large organisation internships and startup internships is simple. It’s not just you; most students prefer companies with well-known brands and thousands of employees. After all, who wouldn’t want to work for Google, Procter & Gamble, or Apple?

A startup internship, on the other hand, has far more advantages than you might think. When you first start your career, working in smaller companies, particularly startups, can provide you with more opportunities for learning and growth. For the internship courses online you can attend internship program in India.

What exactly is a startup?

The definition of a startup is fairly broad, encompassing everything from sole founders with no employees to some of the world’s largest tech companies.

A startup, on the other hand, can be defined as a company that:

Is in the early stages of business development.

Has fewer than three founders and is mostly self-funded, or is looking for venture capital from banks or investors.

Is primarily concerned with expansion

Furthermore, startups operate differently than other well-established businesses. Startups strive to introduce something novel to the market. Multinational corporations (MNCs), on the other hand, are founded with the intention of being entrepreneurial and catering to local demand.

Grammarly, Airtable, and LinkedIn (to name a few) all began as small startups that dared to think differently. Virtual Internships is also a new company. Holon IQ named us one of Europe’s 100 Edtech Startups in 2020.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s look at the top seven reasons why thousands of students choose startup internships every year:

Create an entrepreneurial spirit.

Most startups are formed in order to accomplish something truly disruptive. As a result, even a small contribution to the journey of an innovative business can provide you with the most valuable experience of your career.

Furthermore, as you begin your job search, you will notice that many job descriptions and advertisements express a preference for applicants with “experience working in a high-growth business environment,” aka startups.

Businesses value startup interns because they understand that when you work directly with the founders on projects (as 70% of our interns do), you learn critical entrepreneurial skills such as calculated risk-taking, critical thinking, optimism, leadership, team management, and the perseverance to make things happen.

It’s an Excellent Learning Opportunity

Startups, as opposed to MNCs, have flat hierarchies and smaller teams. This allows mentors to focus on each intern individually and improve their learning experience.

Furthermore, while interns at large organisations are frequently engaged in menial tasks such as fetching coffee and data entry (a sad reality), startup interns work on critical projects from conception to planning and execution.

If you have enough experience or perform well, you may be given the opportunity to manage or coach a group of fellow interns.

Allows You to Wear Several Hats

If you are unsure about which career path is best for you, startup internships may be the way to go. As a member of a small team, you will be constantly working on various aspects of the business. This could include creating a marketing strategy, conducting research, creating business plans, or assisting in the development of a website.

Most startups actively ensure that all team members, employees, and interns are kept up to date (something extremely rare in larger organizations).

As a result, interning at a startup will provide you with much-needed cross-team exposure and a glimpse into various career paths.

It is easier to advance through the ranks.

According to a survey conducted by, 74% of senior professionals would rather work for a startup than for a large corporation. Most respondents cited salary, rate of growth, and the ability to easily climb the corporate ladder as reasons.

The same can be said for startup interns. For example, at the end of their virtual internship, one out of every four VI interns is offered a new opportunity, and 70% of our host companies are startups. As a result, our interns have a great chance of landing a full-time position in a high-growth startup.

Create a Fantastic Network

Working in a startup with fewer employees has the advantage of allowing you to get to know everyone. These contacts can grow into a valuable professional network that will assist you in launching your career.

Furthermore, as the startup expands and becomes a large organisation, you will have contacts who can act as mentors or help you land better roles.

Even if the startup you intern for fails, you’ll have a network of great employers to call on when looking for your next internship or job after graduation.

Learn Important Soft Skills

In addition to our previous point, interning for a startup is an excellent way to advance your professional skills while also assisting the company’s growth.

True, it takes a lot of effort: Startups typically lack the well-defined intern responsibilities that large corporations may provide. The beauty, however, is that every team member works tirelessly toward the same goal.

Furthermore, most startup employees are encouraged to be creative and problem solve in order to produce the best possible result. As a result, if you put forth the effort, a startup can assist you in working and honing critical soft and hard skills that will help you land better full-time positions after graduation.

Improve Your Feedback

In startups, getting quick and insightful feedback from peers and leaders is much easier than in larger organisations. This is due to the fact that you will be working closely with your team and developing stronger relationships with your seniors.

When you work in a small team, everyone is aware of your accomplishments and shortcomings. However, feedback from your internship at a startup can help you avoid making the same mistakes.

While one team member’s work may not have a significant impact on the entire company when working for a large corporation, your job is important when working for a startup. Everything you do has an immediate impact on the company’s success, and everyone’s performance is important.

Where Can You Look for Startup Internships?

So, startup internships are now worth the hype. Now comes the big question: how do you get an internship at a startup?

With the increasing competition, finding an internship that adds value to your resume and improves your employability skills can be difficult. Don’t worry; we’ve got your back!

Virtual Internships connects aspiring interns like you to innovative companies in over 150 countries, resulting in guaranteed remote internships.

The best part is that 70% of our virtual interns work directly with the company’s founders or CEOs. Furthermore, if you perform well during your internship, you may be offered a full-time position afterward.

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