speed bumps

How To Control Traffic Speed With Speed Humps

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 26, 2024 by

One of the most effective ways to slow down traffic is with speed humps. They’re easy to install and they don’t require any electricity or special equipment.

 But, as with anything else in life, there are right ways and wrong ways to do it. Here’s how you can make sure your speed humps are doing their job properly:

make it a priority

If you’re like most people, there are dozens of items on the to-do list that have to get done throughout the day. And while it would be nice if all these things could get done right away, in reality there is only so much time available and some tasks take precedence over others.

speed humps

If you want to make sure your traffic calming efforts get implemented quickly and smoothly, then it’s important that you make them a priority from day one.

It can be hard for people who aren’t directly involved with implementing traffic calming measures (for example: police officers) to tell whether or not something is taking too long or not moving along fast enough.

But if something isn’t getting done as soon as it should be—or even at all—it’s best to ask someone else who might have an idea why this might be happening before making any judgments about why nothing seems to be happening at all!

put them in the right place

When choosing a location for your speed humps, it’s important that you select the right places. If you put them where they’re not needed, or if you place them in places where they are needed but aren’t necessary, this will cause confusion and frustration among drivers.

This can lead to accidents on the roadways and may even contribute to an increase in road rage incidents.

To avoid these problems, it’s important that you carefully consider all aspects of placement before installing any new safety rail. You should make sure that each one is placed in an appropriate location based on its intended purpose:

  • Place them where they are needed (and not needed)
  • Place them where they are needed as well as not needed

use the right speed hump design

The right speed hump design can help you control traffic speed. For example, a zigzag model is more effective than a straight one because it creates an illusion of an obstacle ahead and causes drivers to slow down before reaching the hump itself.

The hump should be properly marked; otherwise, drivers may fail to notice it or mistake it for nearby construction work and drive over it at high speeds.

Finally, the placement of your speed humps is crucial—they should be installed where they will cause minimal disruption to traffic flow but still achieve their purpose of slowing down cars and trucks within reasonable bounds (no one likes getting stuck in traffic).

make sure the speed hump is properly marked

You can use reflective markers, signs, and bollards to make sure the speed hump is properly marked.

Make sure the speed hump is properly marked by using reflective markers. These reflect light so that drivers can see them at night or in the rain.

They are made from materials that withstand weather conditions like water and ice, so they won’t fade away in harsh weather conditions. Reflective markers are available in different colors to help you distinguish between multiple humps on the same road if necessary (for instance, if there were two different types of humps).

Use signs to let drivers know what kind of hazard lies ahead and how far they have until they reach it (such as a school zone).

Signs also tell drivers which direction they should be going when approaching an intersection or crosswalk where pedestrians might cross their path. You’ll want these signs placed fairly close together so that one sign doesn’t blend into another one too much; otherwise it could confuse drivers who may think they’re still a safe distance away from where they actually need to stop or slow down!

If possible use bollards instead of just painted markings because bollards indicate more clearly where each change will be coming up ahead by forcing cars into either lane rather than allowing them both lanes simultaneously which would allow faster speeds overall even if there isn’t any actual traffic congestion at all times.”


Speed humps are an easy way to control traffic speed, but they’re only effective if you get them right and put them in the right place.

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