Google Patents: 10 Of The Most Interesting And Useful Patents Recently Granted

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Jawad Ali

When you think of Google Patents, you probably think of the internet. But what about all the technology that Google has patented? From self-driving cars to wearable technology and evenAugmented Reality (AR), there’s a lot of fascinating technology at Google’s fingertips. In this article, we will take a look at 10 of the most interesting and useful patents granted to Google recently.

Google Patents: 10 of The Most Interesting and Useful Patents Recently Granted

Google is known for its innovative and ground-breaking products, which have revolutionized the way we live and work. But what about Google’s patented inventions? Here are 10 of the most interesting and useful patents recently granted to Google:

1. Google’s Self-Driving Cars Patent

One of Google’s most well-known patents is for its self-driving cars technology. This patent covers methods and systems for controlling a vehicle using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The patent was filed in 2013 and was granted in 2017. This technology could help reduce traffic congestion, save lives, and improve mobility.

2. Google’s Method For Detecting Eye Movements In Images

Another interesting patent that was granted to Google is for its method for detecting eye movements in images. This technology would be used to track user attention and determine when they are interacting with an online content or advertisement. This could be incredibly helpful for ensuring that users receive appropriate information while browsing websites or watching advertisements.

3. Google’s Method For Generating Customized Webpages For Users Based On Their Preferences And Behaviour

Another patent that was granted to Google is for its method for generating customized webpages for users based on their preferences and behaviour. This technology would be used to personalize website experiences by taking into account things like user activity history, search terms, and browsing habits. This could make shopping online more enjoyable and convenient for users, as well as help businesses capture more valuable data from

Google Trends: How Searches Are Changing Over Time

Google Trends provides a visual representation of how often specific terms are searched for on Google. The graph below displays the search volume for the term “google patents” over time. The graph shows that the term has been increasing in popularity over the years.

Patent Statistics: Recent Trends in Patent Issuance

According to the US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), Google Inc. received a total of 36 patents in 2017, which is up from the 29 patents it received in 2016. This increase may be due to the incorporation of Google’s “Autofill” feature into Android smartphones and other devices, as well as its expansion into new industries such as self-driving cars.

Below are some of the most interesting and useful patents granted to Google in 2017:

1) A system and method for recognizing objects in a scene and associated actions There is provided a system for recognizing objects in a scene and associating actions with the recognized objects. The system can include one or more sensors for detecting physical attributes of an object in the scene and generating data indicative thereof, an object recognition module for recognizing a type of object represented by the data, an action module for associating an action with the recognized object type, and a controller configured to cause one or more processors to perform operations on data generated by the sensors and by the object recognition module. 2) A vehicle parking assist device Having at least one camera mounted on a roof of a vehicle parked near an exit road An apparatus is disclosed that includes at least one camera mounted on a roof of a vehicle parked near an exit road. The camera has sufficient resolution to capture images of license plates associated with vehicles exiting from parking spaces adjacent to or surrounding the vehicle being photographed. The apparatus can also include facial recognition software that identifies individuals included in photos

Google Patents: 10 of The Most Interesting and Useful Patents Recently Granted

Google patents are some of the most interesting and useful in the technology industry. This year, they’ve granted 10 patents that will have a huge impact on the way we live and work. From creating self-driving cars to improving search results, these patents represent some of Google’s most forward-thinking ideas. Here are 10 of the most interesting and useful patents recently granted by Google:

1. A System And Method For Automatic Selection Of An Appropriate Query String In A Search Engine

This patent details a system for automatically selecting an appropriate query string in a search engine. The system can be used to improve search results based on user preferences or to personalize content for a specific individual.

2. A System And Method For Optimizing Web Pages Based On User Behavior

This patent is designed to optimize web pages based on user behavior. It could be used to suggest similar pages to users or to target advertising towards them.

3. A Method For Automatically Generating Hyperlinks To Content Individually Controlled By Users In A Social Networking Site

This patent covers a method for automatically generating links to content individually controlled by users in a social networking site. The links could be used as shortcuts to navigate through the site more quickly or as references to related content.

4. A Method And System For Detecting An Image That Is Being Scanned And Imported Into A Computer System Via An Input Device

This patent covers a method and system for detecting an image that is being

Google Trends: How Searches Are Changing Over Time

Google Trends is a great tool for tracking how people are using the internet and finding trends over time. It can be used to see how often particular terms are being searched for on Google, as well as what topics are being addressed most frequently. The following table shows the top 10 most-searched Google patent keywords in the U.S. in 2016.

Patent Statistics: Recent Trends in Patent Issuance

There have been a number of patents released by Google over the past few years, and it has become one of the most commonly searched for terms on the internet. This article will explore some of the more interesting and useful patents released by Google in recent years.

In 2013, Google patented a technology that allows it to automatically detect objects in photos and videos. This technology can be used to identify things like people, cars, buildings, etc. It is thought that this patent could be used for object recognition in online advertisements or search results pages.

In 2014, Google patented a technology that would allow users to control devices using voice commands. This could be used for things like turning lights on and off, adjusting the temperature, playing music, etc. The patent states that this technology should work with “a variety of devices such as televisions, set-top boxes, phones, laptops and cars.”

In 2015, Google patented a technology that would allow users to share large files without having toupload them first. The patent states that this could be done using “a cloud-based server or dedicated servers.” This could be useful for sharing large files such as HD video or music files between multiple users.


Google Patents has always been known for its innovative technology, and the recently granted patents show just how far the company has come in recent years. From smart home devices to gene editing tools, these patents are sure to have a major impact on both the industry and our lives as a whole. Whether you’re curious about what they could potentially do or simply want to be ahead of the curve, take a look at some of Google’s most interesting patents.

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