Choosing the Right Pool Heat Pumps for Your Home

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 28, 2024 by Umer Malik

The size of your pool impacts the heat pump to choose for it. As a guide, there are online calculators that you can use to calculate the size of pool heat pumps Brisbane needs. Certain factors significantly influence the kind of heat pump that will heat and cool your pool effectively.

These include:

  • How large is your swimming pool is
  • Is it outdoor or indoor?
  • Is the pool below ground or above ground?
  • The temperature of the surroundings
  • Humidity level
  • The amount of wind
  • The insulation and thermal properties of the pool

Note that the colder the air that is surrounding the heat pump, the less heat the pool water receives and vice versa.

Using the Right Measurement

When it comes to pool heat pumps, there are mainly two main values used; the kW output and COP (Coefficient of Performance). 

So, when choosing what to get your pool, find its volume and get a heat pump model that comes with a heating increase of up to 0.25. The higher the number of your pump, the quicker it can heat your swimming pool. For example, if your pool can carry 50,000L, then an 18KW model is its recommended size. In case the exact wattage or size is not available, you may choose the next size up.

Basically, COP means how much heating efficiency is being transferred to the swimming pool for every unit of energy used. The average COP of heat pumps for residential pools can range from 8 to 10, depending on the model. For example, if the unit consumes 100 units of energy, it is able to transfer 800-1000 units to the pool. The rating indicates heat produced over energy input (BTU per hour).

It often takes 1.16Wh to heat up by one degree1litre of water. With this figure, you need 11.6kWh for heating up 10,000 liters of pool water within an hour. It looks a lot of power is needed in heating a pool until you use the COP rating. So, if you are using a model with 18kW output and an average of 14 COP, it will only be using 1.8KWh.

Keep in mind that it normally takes a while for pool heat pumps to heat up the swimming pool water to the desired temperature. They typically run on electricity; thus, take a longer time to heat pools compared to using gas heaters. Therefore, have some planning and make sure the heat pump you use can overtake the heat loss during nighttime. Also, the overall size of the unit is crucial to how fast the heat pump will warm the pool to a comfortable level.

One important thing to consider is although you may think about getting a small pool heat pump in order to save on costs, note that your swimming pool can lose about 2C during the night unless you use a pool cover. Therefore, it is best to choose pool heat pumps to will be able to increase the water temperature by 1C in a maximum of 4 hours, so they can maintain the temperature overnight. This can also result in having a perfect temperature for the entire swimming season.

When maintaining pool temperature, do not hesitate to get oversized heat pumps. It will only take a bit of energy to maintain the water temperature, once your pool water acquires the required temperature. Depending on the size of both the heat pump and the pool, it will only need a few hours of work to maintain a comfortable pool water temperature. With that, you will never regret going big when warming your pool.

Pool Heat Pumps Sizing Considerations

Here are some questions you may ask yourself when choosing the correct size of your pool heat pump:

What is your comfort level in terms of pool water temperature? Most people prefer warm pool water from 82°F to 86°F. With pool heat pumps, they are usually dependent on the temperature of the environment for the BTU output level, which means they will eventually reach their limits. But on warm days, your heat pump should be able to heat your swimming pool to 82°F.

How often are you using the pool? The best months for heat pumps to work are during warm months. They efficiently transfer warm air from the surroundings into the water. Traditionally, they work well from December to March. For this, remember that as soon as the weather drops in your area to 50°F, there is not enough warm air to inject into the pool. 

One way to maximize the heat in your swimming pool is to uncover it only for 2-3 hours a day. This can also help reduce your electricity bill. However, you may opt to swim in for longer, just make sure to run your heater after 3 hours to replace the lost heat.

Does your residence have the necessary electrical? Poolheatpumpsrequirelarge amounts of electricity to run, which can be a disadvantage to you, as this can burn a hole in your pocket. But know that, in general, they are still cheaper to operate compared to gas heaters. Also make sure that your house has an appropriate electrical setup, considering heat pumps need about 50 to 60 amps to run.

Are you using a swimming pool cover? Heat typically escapes the surface of the water from your pool. For this reason, a pool cover is a must. Covers help trap the heat in as well as keep water from evaporating, minimizing the need to refill the pool as often. There are many swimming pool covers available out there, so you only need to choose the right one for you. 

When installing your pool heat pump, the unit should be near the filter and about 25 feet away from your swimming pool. There would be heat loss if you install the heater quite far away from the pool area. You will want to avoid any obstructions around the pool heat pump to prevent it from performing well. Also, allow the unit to have about 24 inches of clearance around it. Moreover, the location of your pool heat pump should have good airflow for optimum efficiency.

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