How To Remove Drywall Anchors? 4 Easy Steps

How To Remove Drywall Anchors? 4 Easy Steps

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Jawad Ali

There are several uses for drywall anchors. You don’t need to strike a stud in order to properly hang anything on a hollow wall. Additionally, you may hang a hefty object without worrying about it falling.

But you may have to figure out how to pull those drywall anchors out when the time comes. They may sometimes be removed quickly, and sometimes it requires a bit more effort.

You may cut it, pound it, pull it out, back it out, and more. It truly depends on how comfortable you are and how stubborn the anchor is.

The Purpose Of Drywall Anchors

The adaptability of drywall as opposed to other wall materials is one of its selling qualities. As long as you use the right nails or screws, you can hang almost anything on the wall.

And you need to utilize anchors to make sure the screws are seated in even the shallowest of drywall. You can attach your item to a wall stud in specific circumstances.

However, it might be difficult to locate wall studs, and they might not be where you want to install. What can you do, then? You may put your product on the wall anyplace using drywall anchors.

In order to provide the screw a more solid seat, the anchor does just that: it attaches itself into the drywall.

You run the danger of the item becoming too heavy, ripping the screw out of the wall, and falling to the floor if you just screw into the wall without the anchor.

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Remove Drywall Anchors | 4 Techniques

Thankfully, there are several ways to remove a trapped anchor from a wall. The anchor could miraculously come out of the wall when you loosen the screw, but it is unlikely.

You can remove even the most stubborn drywall anchors from your wall by following these procedures. After that, all that’s left to do is add some spackle to the hole.

_ The Equipment Used

Get the appropriate tools for the project before you start. To remove a drywall anchor, use the following tools and equipment:

_ Hammer Drill Electric

a screwdriver, needle-nose pliers, and safety glasses
The easier the work will be to complete the more tools you have at your disposal. The last thing you want to have to do is climb up a ladder or step stool only to have to quickly descend to retrieve another tool.

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Pull It Out Using | Method 1

You would need your reliable needle-nose pliers for this stage. All you have to do is use your pliers to securely grasp the anchor’s head or collar. Simply sway the boat back and forth gently while jiggling the anchor.

This ought to be sufficient to most of the time remove the anchor from the wall. Don’t press the issue, however, if it’s still safe.

You run the danger of damaging the wall and creating a hole bigger than where the anchor is if you keep pushing the anchor. After that, you should proceed to the next action.

Back It Out | Method 2

This following technique is one of the most often used for anchor removal if you attempted wriggling the anchor out but were unsuccessful.

Pick up a screwdriver that will easily fit within the anchor’s mouth. Once it is in position, use a hammer to press the screwdriver head further deeper into the anchor.

Turn the screwdriver anticlockwise once it is firmly in position. At this stage, you ought to be able to softly but steadily back the anchor out. Eventually, the anchor should be entirely freed from the wall.

You will need to take further steps to free the anchor if it rotates but won’t budget or won’t budget at all. You don’t want to push the subject, similar to the last approach. It can make the wall more damaged, necessitating a bigger repair job.

Hammering & Cutting | Method 3

You have now reached the most extreme steps for removing an anchor from drywall. However, it does not follow that you have reached your destination.

Before you begin this next step, make sure you have your safety eyewear ready since there will undoubtedly be drywall dust in the air.

Use your cordless drill to mount a 1-inch cutting wheel. From this point, you must cut the anchor’s head or top off. Avoid creating a gauge or divot in the drywall by doing so gently; if you do, you will need to fix it.

Tape a large nail into the anchor’s mouth. Tap it in with your hammer until the anchor retracts into the wall. If you don’t have a cutting wheel, you may then slice the drywall around the anchor head using a utility knife.

A flathead screwdriver with a head that is broader than the anchor mouth but not wider than the anchor itself should next be obtained. Tape the screwdriver until the anchor emerges from the wall’s rear.

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Take A Break | Method 4

The easiest solution could be to recess your drywall anchors if you need to deal with a lot of them. If the drywall is fragile or water damaged, you may also want to think about this alternative since removing them might be challenging.

Using your utility knife, just score the drywall all the way around the anchor’s head. After that, place a screwdriver with a head that is broader than the mouth of the anchor right above the anchor head.

Make sure you are square to the head while softly tapping. The anchor should be sunk at least partially through the wall.

To cover the recessed anchor after it is below the drywall’s surface, just apply joint compound. To find out how to patch over a recessed drywall anchor, keep reading.

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