
Best Practices for Refurbishing Old Furniture

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by Jawad Ali

There’s no need to spend a fortune on new furniture when you can give your old pieces a fresh look with some simple refurbishing techniques. For many Australians, certain pieces of furniture hold some sentimental value, or the pieces are valuable on their own. In these cases, replacing them outright might not be the best choice. In this article, we’ll explain the best practices for refurbishing old furniture.

Determine what it’s made of

Before you start work on refurbishing your old furniture, it’s important to determine what the piece is made of. This will help you decide which techniques to use and what products to buy. Furniture can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and plastic.

If you’re not sure what the furniture is made of, you can take a few simple steps to find out. One way is to check for any labels or markings that may identify the type of material. You can also try scratching or rubbing the surface with a magnet or a strong light. If the furniture is made from a magnetic material, the magnet will stick to it. If it’s made from a non-magnetic material, the magnet won’t stick.

It’s pretty important to refinish wood furniture correctly, as the amount of moisture in the air can affect wooden furniture, which tends to be more porous than other materials.

Clean thoroughly before refurbishing

You can’t refurbish your old furniture until you clean it completely. This process will remove any dirt, dust, or debris that may interfere with the paint or finish. There are a few ways to clean furniture: you can use a vacuum cleaner, a cloth, or a cleaning solution.

Vacuuming is the easiest way to remove dirt and dust, but it may not be effective for removing grease or stains. For tougher stains, you can use a cloth or a cleaning solution. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions before using any cleaning solutions, as some products can damage the finish on furniture.

Introduce fresh air when repainting

When you’re repainting furniture, it’s important to let in some fresh air. This will help the paint dry properly and prevent any harmful fumes from building up. It’s also a good idea to open windows and doors to allow the paint fumes to escape.

If you’re using an aerosol paint spray, be sure to hold the canister upright and away from your body. Shake the can well before use, and spray in short, even strokes. Don’t apply too much paint at once, or it may run or drip. Let the first coat of paint dry completely before applying a second coat.

Use effective refurbishing techniques

There are a number of different techniques you can use to refurbish old furniture, but it’s important to use the right techniques for the right material. If the furniture is made from wood, be careful not to use too much water or sandpaper, which can damage the surface. Instead, try using a wood cleaner or a light soap and water solution to clean the surface. You can also use wood polish to protect the finish and give it a shine.

If the furniture is made from metal, you can use a metal polish to clean and protect the surface. Alternatively, you can paint the metal with rust-resistant paint to prevent it from corroding. On the other hand, if the furniture is made from plastic, you can use a household cleaner or a plastic polish to clean and protect the surface. Painting it afterwards is considered a trivial job.

However, you won’t always have a straightforward piece that’s made from just one material, especially if it’s an antique. Lots of Australians end up destroying their furniture when they try to restore or refurbish it without being careful. Sometimes, refurbishing a piece requires some professional knowledge. If you have a particularly valuable or sentimental piece that you want to fix up, finding a professional antique furniture restoration service in Sydney would be your best bet. This way, you won’t have to stress about causing harm to the furniture.

Know when to replace or refurbish

You’ll save money in the long term by learning when to refinish or replace your old furniture. Sometimes, the furniture is so badly damaged that it’s not worth repairing and it’s best to just replace it. Other times, a simple refinish or repaint can give practical furniture a fresh look.

It’s important to consider the cost of repairing or refurbishing furniture before making a decision. At the same time, it can be cheaper to just buy new furniture than to spend money on repairs. However, if you have sentimental value attached to the piece, repairing it may be worth the cost.

In some cases, the damage to the furniture is too extensive and replacement is the only option. If you’re not sure whether to replace or refurbish, ask a professional for advice. They can help you determine the best course of action based on the type of furniture and the extent of the damage.


Refurbishing old furniture can be a great way to give it a fresh new look. However, it’s important to use the right techniques and materials and to clean the furniture thoroughly before starting. It’s also important to consider whether repairing or replacing the furniture is more cost-effective in the long run. With some care and attention, you can easily refurbish old furniture and make it look new again.

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