4 Employee Trainings Companies Should Consider

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 27, 2024 by Umer Malik

Currently, globalization and market opening have caused competition never seen before in all economic sectors, so companies have to make more and more effort to stand out in their market.

One of the fundamental resources for an organization to remain alive and in force is talent, that is, the set of skills that its people are capable of developing in favor of the company.

Therefore, having a training plan for employees is essential. This point had been ignored by many companies for decades, but its relevance is clear and easy to explain: your company, even if it is organized in several work groups, is a team, and just like in any sport, when you have the better players, it is easier to be successful in any competition, but not only that, but the institution grows in its economic valuation, in its prestige and in its image, so much so that it becomes a magnet for talent, so that subsequently, all the best elements will want to be in your ranks.

This is exactly how human resources work in a company. Having the best professionals not only implies carrying out a good recruitment and selection process and having good benefits, it is also necessary to develop and nurture that talent. One of the most effective ways to do this is with an employee training program.

What is the training and why is it important?

The concept of professional development is often misunderstood as a synonym for having a job, the truth is that it is a process that requires time, will and experience, but above all, theoretical and practical teaching methods that allow people to exercise improve their work, in addition to obtaining new tools that will help them improve at work and personally, these learning techniques are called training for employees.

The main function of these is that the collaborators acquire greater capacities to carry out their tasks in the most efficient way possible, following this premise the technical training was created.

However, during the 20th century, more and more companies realized that this was not enough to have better employees, so a more comprehensive training began to be implemented, which will seek to reinforce values ​​such as solidarity, discipline and teamwork. , in addition to developing skills such as conflict resolution or analytical thinking.

Currently, training for employees is essential, not only so that they do their jobs correctly, but also so that they feel valued by the company by receiving new knowledge and making better use of their skills.

Another noteworthy point lies in equal opportunities, which is not possible without an adequate training plan for employees, which allows them to compete fairly and fairly for a promotion, salary increase, bonus or some other incentive.

What does the law say about it?

The Mexican government establishes that training for employees is an obligation and at the same time a right, so each person must attend courses, seminars or workshops that are indicated by the company, which in turn is obliged to provide the necessary knowledge by employees to perform their duties.

The Federal Labor Law states that training should aim to:

  • Update relevant knowledge for their functions.
  • Receive the necessary training to compete for a new vacancy.
  • Prevent work risks.
  • Improve employee skills.
  • Employee Trainings

Following these objectives, the employees of an organization should receive training in: safety and hygiene, general conditions, process management and managerial skills.

  • Safety and hygiene

The authorities, through the publication of the Official Mexican Standards (NOM), have emphasized the care that each company must take to avoid risks to the health of employees. A fundamental measure to put an end to accidents at work is constant training in safety and hygiene.

There are more than 30 regulations that regulate different aspects related to this topic, so it is necessary for each company to instruct its collaborators on the possible critical points, depending on its market, industry, type of facilities and any other relevant characteristic.

Training in safety and hygiene is essential to comply with legislation on civil protection and accident prevention.

  • General conditions

Another of the fundamental issues to implement training for employees is the general working conditions. It is about publicizing what is established by Mexican law so that all workers know their rights, obligations and the legal framework that governs labor relations.

This is of great help in resolving possible conflicts within an environment of justice, since all the members of the team know what the law establishes for each of the parties.

  • Process management

Process management refers to the planning, design and execution of operational and administrative processes necessary for the proper functioning of a company.

When this topic is addressed in training for employees, human relations, applied to labor purposes, are usually the subject of doubts and complications.

Providing the correct training on process management helps to have a cordial and respectful work environment, where protocols are followed to continuously improve and at the same time serves to commit all workers to fulfill their duties in favor of a common good.

  • Managerial skills

Another of the training most requested by companies to impart to employees is management skills, which seeks to provide the organization’s managers with cognitive and technical tools to better develop their skills in search of better results.

Leadership is a value that is strengthened and exercised during this training, since it is the basis of successful management. In this context, the correct management of positive incentives and disciplinary measures are crucial issues in the training of a manager or other position that involve personnel management.

If you would like to equip your collaborators with the necessary tools to carry out their work in the best possible way, then you should consider employee training.

Currently there are various technological tools that can help you monitor and follow up on the training of your staff, allowing you to better manage human resources.

I f you would like to develop the talent of your company in a fast, organized and systematic way, contact us. Our experts will provide you with free advice to understand the needs of your company and find the ideal technological tool for you and your company.

Do not forget to consult our articles focused on the training of your staff.

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