Discover the Best Chinese TV Shows With These Top 5 Apps for 2023

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Jawad Ali

The most popular Chinese T.V. shows in the world are not only available in the form of video streaming but also through various apps that are easily accessible on your smartphone. You can choose from ifvod, minute video, Mango T.V., Youku and YouTube. Whether you are interested in watching movies, documentaries, cartoons or dramas, these apps will help you get the most out of your entertainment.


For those who love to watch Chinese T.V. shows, these apps will help you to manage all of the best shows. These apps are specially created for smart devices and will give you access to tons of content without paying for a premium membership. This will also be helpful if you are looking to brush up on your Mandarin reading and listening skills.

IFvod is a popular Chinese television provider that offers over 900 channels. It offers sports, movies, dramas, and other top shows. The website is easy to use and features high-quality streaming. You can even watch shows in high definition, which is excellent if you are watching on a high-speed connection.

Another popular channel is Duonao, which is a science and education channel. It has a huge fan following and lots of exciting programs.


When it comes to watching Chinese T.V. shows, there are a lot of options to choose from. If you’re looking for some new shows, consider trying these apps for Android and iOS. You can watch your favourite dramas whenever and wherever you want! These apps are also helpful for brushing up on your Mandarin reading and listening skills.

For advanced learners, China T.V. is the best app to use. It offers a wide array of Chinese dramas, including those produced by major producers. The interface is simple and clean, and the streaming quality is good. There’s minimal advertising, and the app is speedy. However, some newly released episodes may take a while to translate. iQIYI is the Chinese equivalent of Netflix, and it’s free to use.

Mango T.V.

If you’re interested in watching Chinese dramas, check out these apps. They’ll help you get the most out of your watching time and teach you about Chinese culture.

Youku is a free video streaming app. It offers a large selection of Chinese and Asian shows. The app’s user interface is clean and easy to use. Plus, it allows users to create watch lists and browse content by genre.

Viki is one of the top sites to watch Chinese and Asian dramas. The app features high-quality video and accurate subtitles. Plus, you can interact with other users. You can also manage Korean and English content. You can only download the show if you’re based in China.


If you want to grasp Chinese culture better, learning to watch Mandarin television is a great way to do it. Using apps for watching Chinese T.V. can help you improve your language skills and make learning easier. These apps will also allow you to choose from various shows, including live events.

Youku is a popular online video streaming service. It offers a wide range of content, including Chinese dramas, movies, and more. The site is free to use. However, you can access even more exclusive content from paid premium plans.

Viki is another famous site for watching Asian dramas. This app features high-definition videos and many subtitles in more than 200 languages.

Migu Video

There are several websites and apps available on Android for watching Chinese T.V. shows. These can be useful for brushing up on your Mandarin reading and listening skills and learning a little about Chinese culture.

You should start by browsing the official channels of Chinese drama producers. These channels usually have full-length episodes of the dramas and sometimes even Chinese subtitles. However, new episodes may take some time to translate.

One of the best websites to watch Chinese dramas is Viki. The site has a vast library of shows from Asian countries and Japan. It also offers a chat feature, which allows you to interact with other viewers.

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