How to Convert MP4 to MP3 on Mac

How to Convert MP4 to MP3 on Mac

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by Jawad Ali

Suppose you want to convert MP4 to MP3 on Mac, but do not know which software to use to do it. Fortunately, there are many options to choose from. You can select a program that can do all of the conversion tasks for you, or you can choose a free version of an application that offers basic features. The choice is up to you, but there are a few things you should keep in mind.


YTMp3 is a free software that converts MP4 to MP3 on Mac. It is a lightweight, fast and easy to use application. It supports videos up to an hour in length. It also has a feature to save the converted MP3 on your PC or laptop. It even supports saving to the Android platform.

In the world of video converters, VideoProc Converter is one of the top choices. It boasts high-quality MP3 profile presets and customizable settings to deliver lossless conversion. It also offers real-time performance on Mac.

The best part is that you can choose to convert your file in the browser. It’s a good choice if you are not a fan of installing a program. It is available for both PC and Mac, and it is continuously updated by developers.


Whether you want to download a video from YouTube or Instagram, GenYT will do the trick. You will not be disappointed. It can handle multiple downloads at the same time.

While you may have been aware of the GenYT website, you may not have been aware of the fact that you can convert the YouTube videos to MP3 files. If you are in a hurry, you can simply use your web browser to copy the YouTube video URL and paste it into the GenYT website. If you are a Mac user, you can likewise use the website to its fullest extent.

The website offers a number of features, from accelerated content to the ability to save your favourite YouTube clips to your social media profiles. There is also a handy little search bar at the top of the screen. You can search for a particular video or browse through all the available options. Depending on your preferences, you can choose between downloading MP4, M4A, or WEBM files.


YTMp3 is a great YouTube to MP3 converter. It is free, and it is easy to use. It supports a wide variety of formats. It can be used on both computers and mobile devices. It also has advanced features. If you are a music fan, this is a tool you should definitely try out.

The first thing you will need to do is to find the video you want to convert. You will need to copy the URL of the video. Then, you can paste it into the “URL of Video” box in YTMp3. You should select the desired quality of the MP3 file. Once you have done that, you should click on the “Convert” button. You should expect a conversion within a few seconds. Once the conversion is finished, you should click the “Download” button.


Almost everyone uses YouTube as a video entertainment site. Hundreds of millions of hours of videos are watched each month. But only few know how to download MP3 from YouTube. Thankfully, there is a simple way to do it.

If you have a Mac, then you can use the GenYoutube app. It’s a free application that allows you to download your favorite YouTube recordings. It’s easy to use and has a wide range of features. This is a great app for anyone who wants to save their music collection. It also works well on Android phones and iOS devices.

The GenYoutube app is safe to use. It does not contain any add-ons or provocative promotions. But there are some precautions to take. Before you begin, make sure you download from an authorized gateway. Using a malicious website can lead to infections and cyber security issues.


Using the iTunes program to convert a M4A file to an MP3 isn’t exactly new. In fact, the built-in MP4 to MP3 converter is one of the best options for converting audio files. It’s also a good choice for saving your soundtrack from a video.

To get started, open the application. The next step is to select the best encoding mode for your audio file. There are many options to choose from including MP3, OGG, FLAC, AAC, M4A, and WAV.

You can also import an M4A file into iTunes by clicking the File -> Convert menu item. In the process, you’ll find a sub-panel that allows you to adjust the quality of the audio file.

In this same sub-panel, you’ll see an icon that appears to be an MP3. This isn’t a true MP3; it’s just an M4A file with a bitrate of 320 kbps.

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