Smart Contract Auditing cost

How much does it cost to audit smart contracts?

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 25, 2024 by Tabraiz


Smart contracts have become a common feature of blockchain technology. These contracts are used to execute transactions and make sure they are completed as expected. Smart contracts can be introduced into many different applications and industries, including gaming, healthcare, supply chain management, insurance and banking.

1. What is a smart contract?

A smart contract is a computer program that is executed by a decentralized network of computers. Smart contracts are used to facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract.

In other words, smart contracts are written into code and then stored on blockchain. The code operates in an autonomous way to ensure that transactions occur as programmed without the need for human interaction. In essence, it can be said that anything which can be expressed in code is fair game for smart contract execution — from payments to real estate ownership transfers and even governance issues like voting rights for shareholders within a company.

One example of this involves an incident where someone purchased two pizzas using Bitcoin back in 2010 (valued at $25 USD per BTC). If you look at BTC’s current value ($5100 USD as I write this), those two pizzas would cost over $40 million dollars today if they were still available for purchase!

2. How much does it cost to audit smart contracts?

The cost of auditing smart contracts depends on the size of the code, the language it is written in, and the complexity of its code. In general, the larger a smart contract is and more complex its code structure is, the more expensive it will be to audit.

The average cost of auditing a smart contract can range from $500 – $10,000 depending on your needs. Because we are not able to give you an accurate estimate without reviewing your specific project requirements, please contact us directly at if you would like more information about our services!

3. Why do smart contracts need to be audited?

Smart Contract can be deployed to a blockchain, such as Ethereum, where they will execute in an immutable fashion.

Smart contracts are written in code and are therefore subject to bugs like any other software program. Because smart contract bugs can have financial consequences for users of the blockchain, it’s important for developers and auditors to ensure that their code is free of flaws before deploying it to production.

4. How long does it take to audit smart contract?

The length of an audit is determined by a variety of factors, including:

  • The size of the contract. Smaller contracts tend to be easier to audit than larger ones.
  • How many times it has been used. A contract that hasn’t been used at all since its creation is going to require more time than one that has already seen significant use in production environments.
  • How many people are involved in the audit process and what their roles are within it (e.g., developer versus auditor).

Auditing a smart contract can help find bugs in the code and guarantee its safety and efficiency. The cost of auditing depends on whether you want basic or full auditing, and what language your code is written in. The more efficient the code, the less expensive it is to audit.

Smart contracts are written in any language, but Solidity is the most common. Smart contracts are governed by code, so they can be tested and audited to ensure they are safe and secure.

The cost of auditing depends on whether you want basic or full auditing, and what language your code is written in. The more efficient the code, the less expensive it is to audit.


As our readers can see, there are many steps that one must take in order to audit smart contracts and Ethereum tokens. We went through all of the details in this article so that we could provide a comprehensive guide for those looking to hire an auditor or auditing company. The good news is that there are solutions available for determining the cost of auditing your smart contract or Ethereum token – even if you do not know how much it should actually cost!

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