Top Python Frameworks for Web Development In 2023

by ghisellerousso

Last Updated on April 28, 2024 by Jawad Ali

Developing with Python has gained in popularity over the past few years, especially as more companies are hiring Python development companies to help them create new products and update their existing ones. As more developers become familiar with the language, more frameworks are appearing to help them build their projects quicker and better. However, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the options available, so here are five of the most popular frameworks you should consider when working on your next big project.


The last few years have seen an unprecedented growth in frontend web development. Frontend frameworks and libraries like React, Vue, Angular and especially JavaScript are among most popular on Github. However, it seems that Python-based projects have overtaken these in terms of popularity. According to recent Google trends report, Python is now most searched for programming language compared to any other language.


Although other popular frameworks have been around longer, it’s hard to argue that Flask isn’t one of the most user-friendly and accessible. Compared to Django, it is considerably more lightweight and easier to learn. On top of being simple to use, Flask is also very extensible and lightweight when it comes to coding required in your application. For example, Flask has a built-in development server while many other frameworks don’t have one at all.


Released in 2005, Django is an open-source web framework that was designed to make it easier to build better and more secure websites. The framework makes use of a templating engine similar to PHP’s but also comes with built-in support for a number of databases as well as an application server. As one of its most notable features, Django lets you develop apps in multiple programming languages including Python, Java and Ruby. It also supports HTTPS, internationalization and unit testing among others.


This micro framework can be used to build simple HTTP-based applications. It comes with an easy-to-use development environment that boasts an embedded HTTP server, meaning you don’t have to start a heavy web server (e.g., Apache) to test your code. However, it lacks many features developers may require, including session management and multi-page template handling.


A high-performance framework by Mozilla, Falcon uses asynchronous HTTP requests and a streaming interface to handle complex workloads and data. Originally released in late 2015, Falcon saw heavy use at Mozilla, with some reports indicating that it outperformed other frameworks like Tornado and Flask in terms of execution speed.


Best known as a super-lean, high-performance web framework that’s easier to use and much more performant than Django. Pyramid is written in Python and provides everything you need to create complex web applications quickly, including built-in support for security, right out of the box. Because Pyramid is based on Zope/Plone, it also comes with its own CLI (command line interface) toolchain, making deployment easy and providing an excellent foundation for automated testing.


A web framework written in python. As it was created by a Brazilian programmer, it is usable in Portuguese by default. It also has features such as AJAX support and administration interface built-in. These features make web2py an excellent starting framework for professional developers.


Sanic is a Flask-like, minimalistic web framework for Python. It’s meant to be a lightweight option that lets you get started without needing an in-depth understanding of how web frameworks work. While Sanic can technically handle dynamic files and routing, it’s not intended to be used as such: Sanic works best when serving static content over HTTP. To make things easier, there are even generators built into Sanic that create skeletons of routes, views and controllers based on your project structure!


This cross-platform framework makes full use of several other frameworks, such as Django and SQLAlchemy, providing a more complete set of tools. TurboGears combines these powerful tools with an integrated development environment (IDE), allowing web developers to focus on their projects. Since it’s possible to integrate third-party libraries into a Turbogears project, developers have access to thousands of additional features. This openness is what makes TurboGears one of the top frameworks on our list.


An open source web framework designed to be lightweight, flexible and portable. BottlePy can handle multiple requests on a single server instance, making it great for shared hosting environments and low-end servers that may not have much memory or CPU power. Thanks to its use of code generators, BottlePy also boasts speedy development that’s often times faster than other frameworks like Django and Flask. The framework is free to use under an MIT license.


The FalconFramework is an open source platform designed to support both microservices and REST APIs. According to Forbes, it’s written with performance in mind.


A python development company should be able to pick up any of these 5 frameworks and develop a game-changing application using it. However, according to Python developers, it’s best to look at multiple frameworks because no one framework will fit every business need perfectly. Also, knowing more than one language helps developers build their skills and make them more valuable to employers. Most of all, companies should ask what framework can help create a better experience for their customers and then choose that language as part of their development strategy.

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